Note: I know it’s still July, but I won’t have time to post this tomorrow, so here you go!

It’s the beginning of a new month, and you all know what that means. Yes, monthly blog news! As usual, I have quite a bit of stuff to share with you guys. Alright, let’s get started.

Same Ol’ Stuff

I’m not really changing my usual schedule when it comes to reviews, and I’m still doing ORIGINAL vs. REMAKE. I just finished watching Soul Eater NOT, so I’m sure most of you can guess which anime I’m going to compare that to. So yeah, that post will be up soon. Also, be prepared for more birthday specials and national holiday themed posts.

Pinky’s Perspective

Nice name, right? I finally found the perfect name to call my rant posts. So whenever you see “Pinky’s Perspective” in the title of one my blog posts, be prepared for a full on ranting session about anime and anime-related issues. Another way to see one of these coming is by spotting my icon in the post’s thumbnail image. See below for example.

This picture is also a hint at what I will be ranting about next XD


Monthly Anime Club

I recently joined the Monthly Anime Club on MyAnimeList. It’s a group dedicated to themed anime recommendations. Every month, a new theme is voted on by everyone. Then, each member who signs up for that month will be paired up with a partner to exchange anime recommendations. From there, each member can watch and share their thoughts on the anime that were recommended to them. Sounds fun, right?

So this month’s theme is Unpopular Anime. After I finish watching the anime recommended to me, I will upload all of my reviews in one post both here and on my MAL account.

Wanna get in on the action? It isn’t too late! Join the group by clicking here.

30 Day Anime Challenge

My best friend practically begged me to do this, so I finally am. For those of you who don’t know how this works, here’s an explanation of what the thirty day challenge is. Starting today, I will upload a blog post answering an anime-related prompt. This will go on for thirty days. Because there are so many different versions of the challenge, I picked my favorite one out of all of them and decided to do that one. It looks like this:

I’m going to find some way, if possible, to put this image in my footer.

One Thousand Views?!!

I woke up this morning to find this.

Screenshot 2016-07-31 at 3.34.09 PM

Now to some people, this might not be a lot. But it sure as hell means a lot to me. Thank you guys! Thank you for the retweets, reblogs, likes, comments, mentions, and follows. And even if you don’t follow, thank you for taking the time to visit this little blog of mine. Blogging for you guys makes me so happy, especially when you give me the motivation to do so. So all of you, even if you glanced at this blog for half a second, thank you.

That’s Pretty Much It…

So that’s all I have for updates this month. Check back in next month for more!


28 thoughts on “BLOG NEWS {AUGUST}

  1. Awesome, congratulations on the views. You are getting quite popular :). This sounds fun to do, a 30 Day anime challenge. I am thinking about doing it myself but I still need to plan out on what to answer on these days. I hope you have a fun time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh thanks :). I did some minor changes but it’s still the same. I appreciate your comments. I still like your blog design. It looks pretty in pink. (even though you like blue better XD)

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on 1000! I know how excited that made me feel. Blogging seems like shouting into the void. (And no one shouts back. I mean…it’d be kinda creepy if you heard a disembodied voice in the middle of blackness…)
    But this is exciting news! And I’m definitely joining the club. I need to involve myself in the anime community more.
    Well…congrats! And have fun in August! (Or does that sound too creepy?)

    Liked by 1 person

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